티스토리 뷰

Information is an accusation dont Bar investigations into allegations of such violations Network Act. Gimtaeeun, ohmunyoung reporters taien @ mt.co.kr Hong former representative of "Let's leave it to discuss the 20th anniversary of one hundred minutes MBC special program for open communication" nine days from their Facebook and "one to two hours live one 'matjjang prepare a debate, "he said. Discussion of Yu Hong, former president and chairman is only about four months. Before the two men last June 'hongka Cola' and YouTube broadcast of a joint "inform Leo '

Even though the true and asked us several times and vary clarified that continue to make false claims in any basis. " Then the oil is Chairman "Prosecutors check directly to the Attorney General and knock yunseokyeol comment. The nerves of both sides argue that this took place while Yoon-General, you are lying. " Bakhanna (hnpk@edaily.co.kr), who did not even look directly speak about this, but you want the problem'm So indeed trying to rush an artist Rhyu Si-min condolences to Apple at bay. These days all the media is enormous dictation

Children ... "One also authors of" (17.10.2019 / News Desk / MBC) [high school papers - intended ppeonhande ... "I can not even confirm nothing doing, disciplinary admissions fraud" [high school students this paper is 'idly' the authors go ... Perverted 'Nobel Prize' Plan (10.17.2019 / News Desk / MBC)? Fast Track procrastination the investigation ... Yunseokyeol "will be seen from the results," he asked "Friendly resign '," according to the law faithfully. "... Hosting News Yen 'hard-line' (17.10.2019 / News Desk / MBC) protest leaders 'Sledgehammer' piseup ... Typhoon blood shed collapsed

Do your best. In this sense, the meeting today, reports point out the domestic and international economic situation with Finance Minister, was established to discuss future correspondence. What is more vital nopahjyeoya private economy it can be a force. Enhanced support for export enterprises to break the exports and investments decreased due to the global economic slowdown hwago, the government has aggressively come off so that private investment can be activated. In recent years, companies have greatly expanded the system semiconductor, display, future cars, bio-health, including investment in new industry sectors.

Opened attended the 'new industrial marine development strategy briefing. This place has made statements, including the President attended about 200 people, including the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Chungcheongnam-do Governor, members of Congress, the presidential haetneundeyo attendance policy implementation, chief economist, senior political affairs and so on. Yangseungjo South Chungcheong Province by promoting the five challenges of "West Coast Ecological Restoration, Marine healing industry leading marine bio-industry and marine leisure tourism industries" without a hitch, was looking for ways to develop Chungnam the center of marine new industries, the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries in the "new industrial marine innovation strategy '

Rhyu Si-min Roh appeared on YouTube, it shows the ongoing Foundation's distorted reports claimed dwaetdago statements during prosecution shed blood, in fact. Kim regarding the fact who replaced the August 28th home computer's hard disk Joe Minister two last in a public interview in Wednesday broadcast, "I had two days of hard disk replacement (Fatherland) Prof. work and came (to the house) "and" (first Secretary of the Division

The Roh Moo-hyun Foundation "There is little hard evidence that side view yen," "inform Leo," broadcast on YouTube claiming the prosecution of Internal Affairs and progress on the proposed evidence he said. .I was fit (AGI) The precious reporter = Roh Moo-hyun Foundation Rhyu Si-min Chairman has 29 days 18:00 foundation Youtube broadcast over the "tell Leo 'own that prosecutors Internal Affairs Joe former Minister of the family prior to nominate former Minister of Justice homeland claims

Distant relatives, says Mr five villages of the Minister's nephew Joe, Joe mode. [Kim OO / Economics Sim Professor Trustee / voice modulation. "(? What do you know that relatives are related company Are you as relatives recommended company) he think that the talk that the operation so I'm a little bit in that area uiahsim had a ... "] Yet a proposal to

And, as (associated with seafood brother) it adopted a complaint is submitted gotta launched a corruption investigation case, emphasized that there is no room for that in the byeolgeon investigation. " In this regard, people welfare committee is asking investigation into charges of Yu Chairman The "YouTube broadcast and disseminate a variety of false information through the 'tell Leo'" and defamation on the Seoul Western District Prosecutors' Office and the obstruction of justice by the hierarchy, Information Network Act violations there was accused bars.檢 "false claims based balhyeora" entry to listen Rhyu Si-min "in response to the broadcast," the text input settings articles 26/10/2019

It is expected. 25 days, according to the Seoul Central District Prosecutors reported that two anti-corruption investigation unit under dividend freedom hangukdang prosecution case stating that the external pressure exercised against the 6th month Yu Chairman and the Secretary, with Democratic lawmakers choeseonghae dongyangdae Doo - Gwan Kim Online check the relevant information. On charges of Yu Chairman of the month on the 4th Call for General Choi Joe jomossi daughter of former minister 'bogus citations "in the allegations that forced a false statement about the alleged evidence destruction and coercion, abuse strike interfere
